In the current graphic landscape where attention to detail and diversity of creatives are burgeoning, the strategy of incorporating a cutting-edge hero section seems to be the way to go for brands that want to get conversions and leads. No one in the design space had any idea of how it would become a key element for a website to thrive. The hero section, in our opinion, can immensely help you in standing out from your competitors by establishing a unique persona.
If you’ve ever asked yourself “What is a hero section and why do I need a good one?”, well you have come to the right place!
So, what is a Hero Section?
The first thing your viewers are subjected to when they visit your website is the hero section. It lays beneath your logo and menu. We received an email from one of our users the other day asking if it is mandatory to include a human face in the hero section as it is called the “hero” section. As bizarre as this sounds, there is still a lot of misconception associated with what hero sections really are. The answer to the question our dear user asked us is NO! It can be any image that reflects your branding in the best light possible.
In the image attached above, you can clearly see that it takes almost all pre-scroll full-width space. The other elements are presented on the top to create an overall cohesive feel to the section. As long as it strikes a thought and captivates your user, your hero section is ideal. If not, you really need to reevaluate your strategy and formulate a hero section that can give you top-notch leads.
Why do you need a good Hero Section?
Well, we know you are thinking about why you need a hero section and how it can benefit you; After all, great minds think alike! Well, all in all – Hero sections are awesome! In this fast-paced world, people do not have the time or the capacity to read each and every word of your website to decide if they want to be associated with you. In fact, what they like to do is to skim through your websites for keywords and appealing visuals to make a decision. If you want to convey your mission and values through your website through visuals and taglines, Hero sections would be your greatest companion. Think of them as a more refined version of billboards in this era of digitalization.
1) First impression is the last impression!
You must have heard of this age-old saying here and there. We cannot emphasize enough how much truth lies in this quote, especially in how users perceive websites. Since the section activates the power of visuals from the minute your user lays his eyes on your website, you have a pretty solid chance to create a captivating first impression and generate more leads.
2) Makes your content stand out.
Since the user pattern nowadays is to skim through the website rather than read every single word, you can leverage this by putting emphasis on the most important information and highlighting it so your user can grasp the keywords you intended to strategically place. Let us be real, all of us make a decision after reading the content above the fold on whether we want to scroll more or click exit. After all, no one likes information overload.
3) Increases engagement, Enhances representation.
On a tastefully designed hero section wherein the elements are balanced, messaging is clear and the brand is represented in the most authentic light, engagement is bound to elevate. With our expertise in this realm, we highly encourage people to adopt hero sections in their strategic plans to see a striking change in their engagement. The more time and resources you spend on it, the better your output would be.
4) Helps in conversion.
Let us be real- Brands ultimately seek conversion, all the efforts are done to ultimately convince the user to hop on to their bandwagon and associate with the brand in any way, shape, or form. Although the hero section helps you enormously in gaining traction, you need to understand that your CTAs have to be aligned with your imagery and content as they can make or break your website.
Executing an extraordinary hero section takes a great deal of effort but if done effortlessly, you will reap all the results you desire. To gain any more such insights on hero sections, shoot us an email at and we shall get back to you as soon as possible.
Till then, be on the lookout for our upcoming blog. Do not forget to check out our creative personality on Instagram @designfuel Ciao!
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